Our services

As the pioneer and guide of digital photovoltaic power supply system, tianv energy section provides one-stop photovoltaic, wind energy, energy storage, charging pile products and overall solutions for customers all over the world.

Industry solutions

With PV +, solar plus as the core concept, it provides new energy system solutions for various industries.

Standardized products

Carry out the craftsman spirit to the end with the concept of preciseness, realism, innovation and standardization, and continuously refine and iterate the products.

Corporate news
CTI China Testing & Testing Co., Ltd. presided over the preparation and revision of the first international ISO standard, which was officially released
Release time:2021-09-09    Number of views:

2021年9月6日,由中国国际贸易促进委员会、国家认证认可监督管理委员会共同主办,中国国际贸易促进委员会商业行业委员会、中国认证认可协会共同承办的《2021 年中国国际服务贸易交易会》在国家会议中心成功举办。CTI华测检测集团董事长万峰受邀出席,并于《质量认证促进国际贸易论坛》环节发表题为“打造中国TIC行业的核心竞争力”的演讲。


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